Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Public Opinion

The formation and change of public opinion > Components of public opinion: attitudes and values Top of Form
How many people actually form opinions on a given issue, as well as what sorts of opinions they form, depends partly on their immediate situations, partly on more-general social-environmental factors, and partly on their preexisting knowledge, attitudes, and values. Because attitudes and values play such a crucial role in the development of public opinion, scholars of the subject are naturally interested in the nature of these phenomena, as well as in ways to assess their variability and intensity.
The concepts of opinion, attitude, and value used in public opinion research were given an influential metaphorical characterization by the American-born political analyst Robert Worcester, who founded the London-based polling firm MORI (Market & Opinion Research International Ltd.). Values, he suggested, are “the deep tides of public mood, slow to change, but powerful.” Opinions, in contrast, are “the ripples on the surface of the public's consciousness—shallow and easily changed.” Finally, attitudes are “the currents below the surface, deeper and stronger,” representing a midrange between values and opinions. According to Worcester, the art of understanding public opinion rests not only on the measurement of people's views but also on understanding the motivations behind those views.
No matter how strongly they are held, attitudes are subject to change if the individual holding them learns of new facts or perspectives that challenge his or her earlier thinking. This is especially likely when people learn of a contrary position held by an individual whose judgment they respect. This course of influence, known as “opinion leadership,” is frequently utilized by publicists as a means of inducing people to reconsider—and quite possibly change—their own views.
Some opinion researchers have contended that the standard technical concept of attitude is not useful for understanding public opinion, because it is insufficiently complex. Crespi, for example, preferred to speak of “attitudinal systems,” which he characterized as the combined development of four sets of phenomena: (1) values and interests, (2) knowledge and beliefs, (3) feelings, and (4) behavioral intentions (i.e., conscious inclinations to act in certain ways).
Perhaps the most important concept in public opinion research is that of values. Values are of considerable importance in determining whether people will form opinions on a particular topic; in general, they are more likely to do so when they perceive that their values require it. Values are adopted early in life, in many cases from parents and schools. They are not likely to change, and they strengthen as people grow older. They encompass beliefs about religion—including belief (or disbelief) in God—political outlook, moral standards, and the like. As Worcester's analogy suggests, values are relatively resistant to ordinary attempts at persuasion and to influence by the media, and they rarely shift as a result of positions or arguments expressed in a single debate. Yet they can be shaped—and in some cases completely changed—by prolonged exposure to conflicting values, by concerted thought and discussion, by the feeling that one is “out of step” with others whom one knows and respects, and by the development of significantly new evidence or circumstances.
public opinion. (2009). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved October 7, 2009, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition: http://www.school.eb.com/eb/article-258756

According to the article, public opinion is influenced by three main factors: the immediate situation of people, social-environmental factors, and their preexisting knowledge, attitudes, and values.
Political analyst Robert Worcester suggests that one's values is the most important concept in forming public opinion for they are not easily changed. Opinions on the other hand, can be easily changed or swayed. Attitude lies somewhere between the two. According to Worcester, it is necessary to understand the motivations behind those views. Some opinion researchers believe that using the concept of attitude does not aid in the understanding of public opinion because of its complexity and due to how easily attitudes are subject to change. Values are viewed as the most important concept in determining public opinion. They are not likely to change and even get stronger as people get older.
This article relates directly to chapter 7 due to its content on public opinion and more specifically, political socialization. The article discuses values and how they are adopted early in life, most likely from family and schools, which chapter 7 also states. The textbook covers a study that revealed that the majority of young people (about 91%, according to the study) identified with their parent's political party . Beliefs on religion, political outlook, and moral standards are all included in the definition of values.

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